
An accomplished professional with extensive expertise in a broad suite of operations especially in MEAL, Livelihood Restoration and Community Development. Having wide adeptness in Monitoring Evaluation Accountability & Learning Components, Effective communication skills, Project Management, Coordination, Strategic Planning Development and field orientation.

I want to work in an organization that offers a creative, dynamic and professional environment where my education, training's, professional skills and proven abilities can be fully applied to benefit organization and myself.


Shelter, WASH, Infrastructure, Livelihood and Education


کمپنی کا لوگو
Monitoring Evaluation Accountability & Learning MEAL Officer
National Integrated Development Association NIDA Pakistan
مارچ ۲۰۲۲ - موجودہ | Kohistan, Pakistan

As Responsible for strategic planning of monitoring, evaluation and reporting, will take the lead in providing technical support to the monitoring team. In the development of monitoring frameworks, design of data collection tools, data analysis and reporting. Leading the development of project-specific grievance mechanisms, staff orientation and roll-out
1. Develop and strengthen monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning system of the organization and specific projects
2. Design & Conduction of Household Dietary Diversity Survey HDDS, Minimum Dietary Diversity Women & Children MDDW/C, Months of Adequate Household Food Provisioning MAHFP, Household Hunger HHS including KAP survey
3. Activity based monitoring as well as output & outcome wise progress collection and analysis 
4. Facilitation and providing feedback to project managers regarding strategies and activities. Tracking progress against each indicators 
5. Reviewing mid-term, quarter and annual review session with all staff to track progress against indicator 
6. Comilation of Monthly, quarterly, & Interim Reports in rest of Activities, output, outcome and impact level progress and submission within timeframe
7. Conducting project planning workshop, designing, implementing and operating system in project M&E system from initial to closing time period
8. Developing databases and managing beneficiaries monitoring tracking sheets in the MIS System
8. Analysis of the ongoing studies, surveys on qualitative and quantitative basis

کمپنی کا لوگو
Social Mobilization Officer
Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA
فروری ۲۰۲۱ - اکتوبر ۲۰۲۱ | Torghar, Pakistan

Overseeing of the Social mobilization team & contacting, convincing district stakeholders as well as District Administration in engaging social mobilization activities to boost up project progress 

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Coordinator
Pak Alliance for Math's and Science
مئی ۲۰۲۰ - ستمبر ۲۰۲۰ | Kohistan, Pakistan

Highlights. Third Party monitoring activities of British Council Education Project Cycle 2, 2019 in District Kohistan. Take a Child to School (TACS Project). Monitored & controlled process with cross-cutting skills. Collected data with organized checklist analyzed and communicated to National Project manager for decision making.
1. Monitored all field level data, collected information as a third party evaluation criteria.
2.  Conducted Computer Based Interviews from Households level, School teachers and stakeholders.
3.   Key Informant interviews KII, FGDs, Open community discussions and collection of primary level data from all stakeholders through tablet based surveys.
4.   Monitoring activities of Take A Child to School on tablet based
5.   Overall field management of verification of enrollment, retention and household information.
6.   Field management, Supervision of field level staff including volunteer groups.
7.   Open discussion sessions with volunteers regarding education promotion and enrollment increase.
8.   Ensured of data collection, data cleaned and analyzed for summary of refined notes.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Education Specialist
National Integrated Development Association Under UNESCO GREP-EAC Program
نومبر ۲۰۱۸ - اپریل ۲۰۲۰ | Besham, Pakistan

Highlights: 250 Teachers trained on activity based learning & joyful learning from 206 primary male & female School of District Kohistan. 900 PTC members trained on capacity building training informed them on their roles and responsibilities. Designed & developed project various training manuals (Teachers training on ABL, PTC capacity building training on their roles & responsibilities. Conducted & successfully achieved six days Education departmental exposure visit to GB. Three Strategic Objectives (SOs), first is focused on Increase enrollment in the primary schools in marginalized communities through social mobilization of local communities. The second is to improve retention and quality of primary education in the marginalized communities through improvement in school learning environment and third SO is to improve the capacity of relevant district education officials to create an enabling school environment for primary education in the targeted Schools. All SOs successfully completed under the project timelines.
1. Supported in carryout overall project activities smoothly as per design and timelines field and office level.
2. Conducted meeting with communities, different formed groups i.e. Father group, social activists and PTCs.
3. Collected data from field (assessment, surveys, enrollment, attendance for evaluation & reported)
4. Designed & developed training modules manuals, pamphlets, on Activity Based Learning ABL & Capacity building of Teachers and PTC members on their roles and responsibilities.
5. Imparted teachers training on activity based learning & Joyful learning including PTC members on R&R
6. Compiled training report, event report and quarterly progress report
7. Ensured weekly, monthly and quarterly updates as per planned activities  
8. Ensured/compliance with NIDA-Pakistan standard operating procedures to guarantee accountability throughout the implementation process.
9. Participation and involvement of the beneficiary community in program implementation to ensure that programming occurs in a consultative, participative and gender sensitive way.
10. Participation and assisting field staff in field activities, seminars, session and events etc. Any other task assigned by NIDA management/ PM.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Officer Education
Indus Social Welfare & Development Organization (ISWDO)
جون ۲۰۱۵ - ستمبر ۲۰۱۸ | Besham, Pakistan

Highlights:  SO-1: Involved through social mobilization/PTCs and MGs formation & reactivation, religious & influential leaders engaged for primary level education promotion. I conducted EGRA & EGMA Assessment for quality education & follow up of quality indicators.
SO-II: Provided increased quality education for teachers in required subjects using improved teaching methodologies and child centered class room management practices. Education departments engaged through joint monitoring for education promotion and PTCs and MGs are empowered to address their school related problems and its solutions.
1. Assisted PM in the designing of Manuals and guidelines for teacher training, PTCs and hygiene according to the need of Beneficiaries (teachers, PTC members, and children).
2. Co-ordinated and conducted awareness campaign on importance of education to decrease drop out and increase girls & boys enrolment by utilization of project strategy.
3. Submit monthly, weekly and daily work plan to the concern supervisor on regular basis
4. Mobilized communities to promote & strengthen parent teacher council  (PTCs) to increase access of girls towards education
5. Ensured adherence to CRS Pakistan Social Mobilization Strategy throughout the project implementation particularly mobilizing communities for awareness of children’s right to education and community participation
6. Developed manuals for CRS Besham on child psychology, activity based joyful learning methodologies, classroom management skills etc.
7. Aligned subject based training with activity based joyful learning methodologies.
8. Develop manual to enhance teacher’s capacity on multi grade teaching methodologies. 
9. Developed subject based teacher training manual of science and mathematics.
10.Follow social mobilization strategy and conduct training sessions with the affected communities, especially with PTCs, as part of community based programming.
11.As delegated by the PM, liaise with POs in other locations to ensure sharing of lessons learned, tools and systems and any other task assigned by the PM or by the Senior Management.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) with Collaboration of ACE
اپریل ۲۰۱۵ - جنوری ۲۰۱٦ | Chilas, Pakistan

Highlights: Ensured the Environmental factors are considered trends of the decision making process and ensured the possible adverse of environmental & social impact are identified and avoided and minimized and shared the information about the proposal. Facilitated the design of a monitoring program and allows people to examine the underlying need of the proposed project. I have empowered the community to identify their expected problems and issues, created a vision for developer to design a more publicly acceptable project.
1. Assisted Team leader ACE and Project Director WAPDA to ensure implementation of quality assessment of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (E&SIA)
2. Conducted social surveys, FGDs HH Assessment, observations, data collections, social grand Jirga’s and analyze findings.
3. Designed research projects test theories regarding social and environmental issues. Collected data through surveys, observations, interviews, and other sources.
4. Analyzed and draw conclusions from data. Prepared reports, articles & presentations for achieve research findings

کمپنی کا لوگو
Project Officer (Shelter, Livelihood, Education and Infrastructure)
Catholic Relief Services - Pakistan
اکتوبر ۲۰۱۰ - فروری ۲۰۱۴ | Besham, Pakistan

Highlights:  90% HH of targeted areas earned back their livelihood through MHP & Water mills production. 80% of HH in targeted areas has got benefits from use of infrastructure rehabilitated in response of the disaster. 100% of schemes are completed by EOP trough formed CBOs.  80% of the targeted communities have implemented at least 75% of all activities in their Community Management Skills Training (CMST) plans for Micro Hydro Power MHP & Water Mills sustainability. Overall 90% of the targeted population benefited from the implemented project.
Primary Responsibilities:  
1. Assisted PM, Head of Office and Technical Advisor to ensure implementation of quality MHP and Water mill rehabilitation Water Supply Sanitation and Infrastructure and Shelter interventions. This includes program support in ensuring implementation of social mobilization, planning daily activities, beneficiary selection and registration deserved community, Partner and staff capacity building, coordination and reporting.
2. Managed the (CRS and Partner staff) with the focus to providing quality according to CRS program quality principles. Reviewed and applied social mobilization procedures for MHP, WM, WSS, and infrastructure and shelter rehabilitation. Review and manage implementation procedures of distribution of materials for MHP, Water mill, water Supply sanitation, infrastructure and shelter rehabilitation.
3. Planning and coordinating distributions with logistics and communities. In collaboration with PM M&E design systems for M&E and reporting of MHP, Water mill, water Supply sanitation, infrastructure and shelter rehabilitation project to CRS and Donors and prepare plans and participate in the data collection for M&E activities & also verifying project progress against performance indicators.
4. Coordinated and lead the R&R, O&M and CMST training of community-based agents in the implementation of Project activities. Build capacity of CRS and partner staff, in collaboration with the Liaison for Partnership and Coordination

کمپنی کا لوگو
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority ERRA
فروری ۲۰۰۷ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۰ | Kohistan, Pakistan

Highlights: Provided a harmonized approach to assess the reconstruction efforts of ERRA specific sectors. It draws upon lessons learnt from the reconstruction process following previous humanitarian disasters and on successful M&E programmes implemented in varying contexts. Following the ‘programme logic model’, monitoring is conducted for inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts of ERRA specific interventions.
Key Responsibilities:
1. Monitored the implementation and results of the reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts. Captured relevant challenges and their progresses at various stages, along with the sectoral evaluation, and assistance to bridge the compliance gaps. Focused on the project and program monitoring, data collection and compilation as well as the evaluation of the accumulated data to identify the challenges occurring in each sector.
2. Adopted M&E system follows a harmonized and interrelated (internal & external) mechanism of institutional transparency and accountability. This leads to structure around the principles of international validation, regular monitoring and data collection, program and financial audits, project reviews and external evaluation of the same through donors and other independent reviews.
3. To submitted the progress report to PERRA after collection from the line agencies NGO INGOs. And look after/maintain and ensure proper utilization of the office facilities & equipment
4. Designed and implemented the central M&E system through the devised Earthquake Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (EMEF), jointly developed and approved by the ERRA Monitoring & Evaluation Advisory Committee (MEAC).
5. Regularized monitoring in quantifying the quality of the program, assessment of the progress, identified goals and achievements along with the challenged being faced.
6. Generated social monitoring reports to inform the management regarding effectiveness, efficiencies and sustainability of ERAA/PERRA specific services.
7. Conducted & approached applied of process, tools and products devised & delivered to support the ERRA/PERRA management to make timely decisions related to compliance and mid-course correction and form the basis for lessons learned and knowledge management.


Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU)
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان سائنس, Msc sociology‎
Anthropology and Sociology, Rural Sociology
درجہ B

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

متوسط Writing Skills
ماہر Ability To Work In Diversified Environments
ماہر Accountability
ماہر Activity Coordination
متوسط Adaptable to Changes
ماہر Advocate of Teamwork
متوسط Aesthetic Procedures Knowledge
متوسط Agent-based Simulation
متوسط Analytical
متوسط Analytical Skills
ماہر Analytical Thinking
متوسط Analyze Data
ابتدائی Arabic Proficiency
ماہر Aseptic Technique Knowledge
ماہر At Multitasking
متوسط Business Networking
متوسط C Problem Solving
متوسط C++ Knowledge
متوسط Capacity Building
متوسط Capacity To Directly Contribute To Research
متوسط Communication skill
متوسط Communication Skills
ماہر Computer Assisted Person Interviews
ماہر Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews
متوسط Computer Literate
ماہر Computer Profcient
متوسط Computer Proficient
ماہر Computer Skills and Report Writing Skills
متوسط Configuration Switches
ماہر Control Room Operations Handling
ماہر Coordination Abilities
ماہر Coordination Skilla
متوسط Coordination Skills
متوسط Csutomer Services
متوسط Customer Service Systems
متوسط CV Database Access
متوسط CVs Screening And Evaluation
متوسط CVs Tailoring
ماہر Data Analytics
ماہر Data Collection
ماہر Data Management Skills
ماہر Data Monitoring
ماہر Disaster Risk Management
متوسط Disaster Risk Reduction
متوسط Education in Emergency
متوسط Education Research Field Experience
ماہر EGRA EGMA Assessment
ماہر End To End Project Management
ماہر Evaluation Skills
متوسط Excellent Communication Skills


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